Thursday, September 13, 2012


I tried to use lines and distance to show depth.
 I used leading lines to show subjects at the end of them.


  1. Great work Long Long! This is a very interesting series focusing specifically on depth of architecture. I like how although you angled your camera on the side of the wall you were able to capture various patterns. Also I really like how it does not seem like you edited these images down a lot and you present the nature of every subject.

  2. Overall this is good work. The concept of leading lines and depth is really captured in most of these shots. However, I'm not so sure the first two photos really fit the theme.

  3. Very nice photos Long long! I like how you were able to incorporate more than one subject of "leading lines" into each of your photographs, especially your third photo.

  4. I really like your photos Long long. I like how you use pictures near the school to create a different perspective that people normally don't see with those certain objects

  5. i really liked the picture of the stairway railing because it was taken from an interesting angle. I think you could try editing your photos to encorporate more contrast and shadows that could enhance your images. I think you definately accomplished the concept of depth in your pictures.

  6. hey long long. i really like your first and your fourth photos because they separate themselves from the rest. the first one because it's elevated and not just level with the leading lines, creating depth in two dimensions, not just one. as for the fourth one, everybody takes photos looking up telephone poles, but you managed to change it up with the traffic light and the building. as for the rest of the photos, they are good but the perspective seems very constant

  7. Good work, Long Long. Nice usage of leading lines, and you were able to make great pictures out of typical depth shots that we're all used to. Perhaps it would be best to get a clear view of the leading lines though, for example in your first picture, the street is ab it obscured. Other than that, good job!

  8. All of these photos here demonstrate depth. I especially like your sixth picture. That one in my opinion shows the most depth.

  9. i really like your photos. all of your photos demonstrate depth very well. i love the one with the telephone poles going down california street.

  10. i love how you helped to display depth by using more than just one subject to show it. Your third photo was very strong and I loved how you clearly displayed foreground and background.
