Friday, August 31, 2012

Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds helps to show the subjects surrounding along with the subject itself. Normally the surrounding of the subject is blocked by the subject in the center. If the subject is put on the edge of the photo it helps to show other things AND the subject.


  1. I like how, in some photos, you chose to depict the object in the bottom 1/3 or 2/3's of the picture instead of just having it on left or right. I'm not really sure how the second and last pictures show the rule of thirds though.

  2. It is hard sometimes to distinguish what the subject of your photo is due to the background and other objects in the frame. I do like the photos, especially your fifth and seventh photos in the set. My recommendation would be to limit the amount of additional objects there are in the frame, and really try to get the main points of your photo in those imaginary grid line sections of the frame.

  3. I really like how you incorporated nature in all of your photos and how you took the same subject and used in different ways. Great photos!

  4. i really like your pictures. my favorite is the third one. you coney the rule of thirds the best in that one. the colors are awesome!
